Speaker Project
The very first industrial design project I had ever done, this project gave me a very good feel for what I was going to get involved in. Although I was new, I was eager to prove myself in this new field.
This project focused heavily on form and appearance as opposed to practicality. We had to identify a target market or user, and how said user might interact with the object. For example, if the user was a child, we were expected to research the hand sizes and grip ability of children so they could interact with the speaker.
My speaker was designed to be elegant and simple; nice to look at, but not too commanding of attention. My design had ease of transport in mind so it could be carried around the house while doing different tasks, so I had to focus on things like grip and how that effected my design.
Overall, I feel like this was a strong start to the program. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out, but it’s also cool to see how much I have improved since then, and how my knowledge and considerations of the design process have evolved.